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MALA Homepage shot 2023.png

Maryland Alcohol Licensing Association
Created website and serve as Webmaster  

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Ellen Nasanow, Ph.D.

Created site and serve as Webmaster  

Capital Accord Chorus Homescreen shot 2023.png

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America's (CADCA) Prevent Rx Abuse - A CADCA Toolkit 


​Created all content for this user-friendly toolkit that community anti-drug coalitions can easily integrate into their programs and activities.

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America 


​In consultation with CADCA wrote over a dozen publications, used by over 1,000 community coalitions across the United States.

TRAINING & OUTREACH: Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America's Mid-Year Training Institute 


Co-created and facilitated The Communications Doctor is In, a full-day, masterclass which provided community anti-drug coalitions with the tools to “hit the communication pause button” in order to evaluate and make appropriate adjustments to coalition communications strategies and tools. Cooper Communications also co-created and facilitated Lights, Camera, Action: How Coalitions can Effectively  Pitch Themselves which ran for three consecutive years at CADCA's Mid-Year Training Institute. 




TRAINING & OUTREACH: US Department of Labor, Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America and the National Council on Patient Information and Education


Created and implemented out-of-the-box, marketing and outreach tactics to promote:


  • National and regional workforce conferences

  • Campus dialogues on prescription drug abuse

  • Non-profit organizations


Also evaluate organizations' communication plans and materials, helping to ensure their effectiveness; conduct listening sessions and write reports.






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